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"301: LAND OF WISDOM" - is a foundation.
We raise funds through crowdfunding to invite 300+1 sages to Armenia and provide the necessary conditions for them to live in the country for 7 years, to find a local partner-tandemi here and implement joint projects in their sphere of activity.
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We also find investments for the projects proposed by the sages.
Based on 4 key questions, we have been thinking over some hypotheses about what Armenia could become, how we see Armenia and not in isolation from its root system, but considering its history, and the traditions that live in this culture and in this people. We present to you the main focus of the hypotheses that we have determined for ourselves:
We believe that Armenia is somewhere at the crossroads of London and Jerusalem.
However, this country can also offer a very rich knowledge of modern technology, medicine, science and so on to the world, just like London.
This country can provide the world with the most ancient artifacts of humanity, Christianity and paganism, just like Jerusalem. All that sacred wealth is preserved on the territory of Armenia.
Armenia is an offshore zone of knowledge, where the mind and reflection are not limited to searching for truth, unexpected moves and the formation of concepts of the present and the future. Armenia is the land of the sages, where people come to remember themselves, to remember their initial natural essence. And this goes for the whole world. It is a reservation where sages live and where they socialize, reflect on the past, think about the future, and form a special sacred field in which very important questions can get answered.
What should be the concept of the world in the future? This question can only be answered by examining the upper layer of the "iceberg" of creonomics, on which thinking and reflection are located, and Armenia is the space where the image of the future must mature, which later will form into a technology.
Many foci of lower stratum creonomics are forming now on earth, in the understanding of the search for new technologies of development in the future, but a question arises.
hypothesis 1
The key value for Armenia is the human being, and therefore it should be based on creonomics - the economics of knowledge, discoveries, and impressions.
As we know, Armenia cannot be considered an industrial country or a territory with plenty of natural resources. So what is the true wealth of this country?
The system of ontological security is connected with two aspects. The first is the invitation of 300 sages from different parts of the world to Armenia for permanent residence, because the Armenian world, at this point in time, needs an outside perspective of a person that will fall in love with this culture and traditions. This outside perspective should be very chambered and focused, which will serve as a key factor in the quality implementation of a number of crucial, long-term projects for the comprehensive development of Armenia. The realization of such large-scale projects will serve as the basis for the ontological security of the country.
The second aspect is understanding how and from what it is possible to create an ontological border for Armenia that cannot be crossed. As part of this hypothesis, we reflect on the fact that every nation has certain artifacts that largely speak about it, and if we are talking about the Armenian world, certainly one of such valuable artifacts is the Matenadaran, which actually positions the Armenian people as collectors and keepers of traditions.
This identification led us to think of the next part of the ontological security hypothesis. Armenia could provide various sites throughout the country for the construction of scientific, research, museum and educational centers of peoples who have lost their statehood, that is, centers of Assyrian, Talysh culture and so on, becoming a kind of "Red Data Book". In this case, Armenia becomes a space, attacking which is no longer attacking Armenians, but the "Red Data Book" of the world.

hypothesis 2
Therefore we have a hypothesis that Armenia may become the first network state on earth, just as in 301 it became the first Christian state.
We do not believe that the network state will destroy the current one. A network state is something that is sprouting by connection, by networking, by creating a variety of ecosystems in such areas as tourism, economics, education, and so on. These ecosystems are able to form a large structure of a new type of technological state - the network one.
And as soon as that happens, we can state that the population of Armenia will immediately reach 15 million, of which a great number of worthy people, with very high qualifications in various fields of science, culture, sports and more.
hypothesis 3
The Armenian world is a small independent country and a large diaspora. There are 120 actual dialects, which are radically different. There are different semantic and basic cultural dominants. However, this shows the amazing characteristic of decentralization in one common organism. The connection of all this multiplicity forms a holistic Armenian world.
Armenians are one of the oldest network nations in the world. The Armenian world is built like a mycelium (a mushroom tree) which has no center, and it is impossible to cause fatal damage if any part of the mushroom tree is disturbed. This is what makes a network nation unique.
Human is his/her thoughts and feelings. And they are formed on the basis of ‘seen – noticed’, ‘heard – eavesdropped’, ‘learned – read’, in a word and the reality surrounding him. This is how the infinite spiral of development is ensured - the environment shapes the person who creates that environment.
In times immemorial, Armenians undertook the mission of collecting and preserving the scientific and cultural achievements of mankind, as evidenced by the most extensive collection of ancient manuscripts in the world at the Matenadaran Institute-Museum.
301 The Land of Wisdom is a project designed to recreate an environment in Armenia whose obvious dominant feature is human - a collector and bearer of a huge cultural and scientific tradition, capable of generating the most unexpected ideas.
It also contains the translations of unique works, the originals of which were lost. And it is not a coincidence that the first phrase written in Armenian letters by the creator of the alphabet, Mesrop Mashtots was:
Project 301 Land of Wisdom is an attempt to develop their experience.
At the same time the fathers of the nation, realizing the supranationality of human achievements, understood perfectly well: in order to participate in the development of scientific thought, it is necessary not only to collect the works, but also to translate and master them, appealing to the comprehensible national codes. Thus, they made the world achievements of humanity the habitat of the Armenian people, which led to the blossoming of science and culture.
"To know wisdom and precept, to understand the utterances of reason"
A reality that will lead to the acquisition of new meanings. And it can happen on this very land. The land called Eden by the ancient cartographers, the place where the first human was born and where the first sin was committed. The land that became the desired firmament under Noah's feet - the place where humanity was given a second chance to live. The land where Christianity, from a persecuted sect, became the state religion, the place where the doctrine that was to change the entire course of history and culture was harbored.
This is where global, vertical meanings have already been born, and where new ones can be created, something that cannot be found anywhere else in the world. And who else but a network nation, organically embedded in the societies of the most diverse countries and cultures in all corners of the world, can spread these meanings throughout the world structuring, providing a new vector of development, filling the spiritual and cultural chaos, that critical lack of meaningfulness, whose destructive results are becoming increasingly apparent.
As part of the project, 301 sages will move to Armenia for living. These people are more than just professionals in their respective fields. These people have extraordinary ways of thinking and unexpected viewpoints. All conditions for their work will be established here, which will lead to a number of breakthrough projects, and in the orbit of their interaction there will be the people who implement those projects and shape a new reality in the country.
In desperate times, Armenians were saving books and children. After all, what is the point of a book that has no reader? And what kind of future is there for children who have lost the wisdom accumulated over the centuries? In desperate times, the Armenians were saving the future. The combination of experience and people capable of mastering and developing - that is a simple formula for survival, in which the possibility of taking off lies.
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