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Sages are self-sufficient individuals of different specialties and areas of expertise who are able to think not only about specific technologies but also about complex concepts of the world.
The 301 team set itself the task of inviting 300 sages from around the world to live in Armenia permanently for seven years, because the Armenian world, at this point in time, needs an outside perspective of a person that will fall in love with this culture and traditions.
300 Sages
This outside perspective should be very chambered and focused, which will serve as a key factor in the quality implementation of a number of crucial, long-term projects for the comprehensive development of Armenia.
Not from Armenia
The best in their field
Fall in Love with Armenia
300 sages from around the world must move to Armenia for permanently living for seven years
Publishing Project
Ecosystem of
301 Land of Wisdom | © 2021. All rights reserved
Copy and citation of materials is possible only with the permission of the copyright holder
made with love by
Content Oriented Web
Make great presentations, longreads, and landing pages, as well as photo stories, blogs, lookbooks, and all other kinds of content oriented projects.
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